Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cause we all need saving sometimes

Was in great need of some new songs a few nights ago and decided to check out Jon McLaughlin after a long silence from him. One of my favorite discoveries! hmmm~ Jon McLaughLin is real talented.

Thought of embedding something more raw than the usual recorded ones..

When the cloud in the sky starts to pour
And your life is just a storm you're braving
Don't tell yourself you can't lean on someone else
Cause we all need saving sometimes

Some lean on others. Many need saving.
I lean on God. Who do you lean on?

Feel God
Feel luuuuv~

1 comment:

raycheerache said...

when i first read it, and actually, every subsequent time i read the title of your post, it says "cause we all need savings" and i'm like "preach it brothaaaa" but i guess we all DO need saving (the regular kind without the s) :D BUT i actually need to have some savings :) Get it? Get it? Hahaha I'm so funny.
